We all know that once books go out into the world, all kinds of random things can happen to them... most of them horrible, but once in a while you get something so awesomely peculiar that, in trying to describe it, the words degenerate into the kind of mumbly protolanguage last heard on Earth at the time of the australopithecines.
Things like, oh I don't know... Brooke Shields offering a copy of your book to her TV kid in the course of an episode of her show Lipstick Jungle:

Yes, that foreshortened hardcover is, in fact, Three At Sea, a picture book I did all the way back in 1994. Don't believe me? Watch the episode on the NBC website... the moment occurs around minute 32:50.
They actually wanted to use another book of mine, Benjamin McFadden and the Robot Babysitter, but the - I'm not making this up - set-dressing rights were not available because they were covered by the film option contract I already signed on that book with the nice people over at Disney. So I offered them this one instead.

I love that your first book was "booked" already..
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